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Alternator Relocation on Toyota JZ Engine Oil Pump With Locking Idler Pulley

by Efrain Navarez 01 Mar 2018 0 Comments

Alternator Relocation on JZ oil pump with locking idler pulley

JZ oil pumps with locking idler pulley have a standoff for the OEM dampener that interferes with the bracket install.  It is a non-essential stand off that can be cut off without adverse effects on the pump.

Suspicious Garage has created a helpful guide for car enthusiasts looking to relocate the alternator on a JZ engine with an oil pump and locking idler pulley. Relocating the alternator can help to free up space in the engine bay and make room for other modifications or accessories.

The first step in relocating the alternator is to remove the existing alternator and brackets from the engine. This can be done by loosening the bolts and removing the drive belt.

Once the alternator has been removed, the next step is to install the new alternator bracket. This bracket is designed to bolt onto the oil pump and includes a locking idler pulley to help ensure that the belt stays in place and does not slip.

After the new alternator bracket has been installed, the next step is to install the alternator itself. This can be done by bolting the alternator onto the bracket and tightening the bolts.

Finally, the drive belt can be reinstalled and adjusted as necessary to ensure proper tension and alignment.

By relocating the alternator, car enthusiasts can enjoy more space in the engine bay, which can be useful for other modifications or accessories. Additionally, the locking idler pulley helps to ensure that the belt stays in place and does not slip, which can help to improve overall engine performance and reliability.

Overall, if you're looking to relocate the alternator on a JZ engine with an oil pump and locking idler pulley, this guide from Suspicious Garage is an excellent resource. With their expert advice and high-quality parts, you can successfully relocate your alternator and enjoy all the benefits that come with it.


Stand off removed


Bracket fits flush

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